View Full Version : American Flag t-shirts

05-06-10, 11:07 AM

Just in case you hadn't heard already, students were sent home for wearing American flag t-shirts on Cinco de Mayo.

First, if the shirts are within dress code they should be allowed to wear them regardless of the day.
Second, when did a Mexican holiday (that most Mexican's in Mexico don't celibrate) become an AMERICAN HOLIDAY that dictated what clothes I can/can't wear?
Third, I bet if they were to ask all of the students, faculty, admin what the origination and reason behind this "holiday" is 99% of them would be wrong or have ZERO clue.

For the record, I would be the parent who was "detained" by campus police for yelling at the principle or staff member who told my son/daughter that they couldn't wear a t-shirt with the American flag on it because of a fake Mexican holiday in the United States.

05-06-10, 12:34 PM
Wonder if the ACLU will get involved umm probably not.

05-06-10, 02:10 PM
Heres an interesting question. Is there a JROTC on that campus? What if Wednesdays were the day that some students were required to wear their uniforms? Shouldn't they have been sent home as well? I know when I was in JROTC my uniform wear was part of my grade.

05-06-10, 08:41 PM
This crap is making me sick, they are way out of line on this one. You send my kid home for wearing anything those boys had on other than the head gear and somebody is loosing a job.

05-06-10, 10:49 PM
This is getting out of hand I agree. MEXICANS ARE MAKING IT MEXICAN AND IM TIRED OF IT!!!!!

05-06-10, 11:43 PM
We live in the united states, if you dont like red white and blue get the F!ck out!

05-07-10, 01:49 AM
you know they complain its all Racial but it really isnt. if they are doing something suspicious and they get asked for proof of citizenship, if they dont have it they should get sent out of here. They are here ILLEGALLY! which is a crime! people are taking this issue way too far. what about the kids who wear that tapout stuff with the mexican flag on it? they should get sent home not the people showing pride for the country that they live in! This is the US! and we get in trouble for showing pride for our own country!? what kind of crap is that!? Maybe we all should have went to phoenix a couple days ago with Sharpton to protest his protest! LOL!

05-07-10, 01:51 PM
And the crap continues:


05-07-10, 02:04 PM
Oh yeah why was Al Sharpton here. When was the last time you heard of a latino getting a scholorship from the UNCF or getting admitted to an all black college.

crazy ray
05-07-10, 02:58 PM
I saw the news report on this. 1 of the students is hispanic, another's father is hispanic. So were is the racism at. The principal that start the whole thing is hispanic, so he needs to be sent home. The district is not supporting him on this. The other kids in school really didn't care on what they wore.