View Full Version : Immigration law signed
Anyone have thoughts on this? I for one am extremely happy. Just as an FYI this was supported by 70% of Arizonans polled Quite simply, Illegal immigration is a crime.
04-23-10, 06:19 PM
I have no issues with the new law.
04-23-10, 06:28 PM
She's got guts, and my vote. The 30% that disagree just can't differentiate between legal and illegal. The 70% have zero issues with legal immigration.
04-23-10, 08:51 PM
I dont like either party right now, tea bagging and healthcare for everyone have annoyed me on both spectrums. However, I think we can all agree that proving you are a citizen is reasonable right?
04-23-10, 09:46 PM
God bless America!!!!!!
A quote I stole from someone on svtperf
"Calling an Illegal Alien an Undocumented Immigrant is like calling a Drug Dealer an Unlicensed Pharmacist"
04-25-10, 09:25 AM
A quote I stole from someone on svtperf Right on Target !! Good One !
04-25-10, 09:32 AM
Finally! If your here legally then you have no worries....
Chris B.
04-25-10, 12:15 PM
I have no problem with the new law either. I think the problem is the hispanic community worrying about having their civil rights infringed upon. I can understand their concerns to a point.
04-25-10, 03:27 PM
Ehh, there is the potential for "civil rights violations" but really, ESP given the bright spotlight on that now, LEOs will be extra careful. I dont think any of them are going to say, "Hey, see that Mex walking out of Wal Mart, lets go check em". As is typical, vocal, special interest activists are hiding behind a synthetic issue to further their goal of open borders and amnesty. If youre not illegal, you really shouldnt be bothered.
Ive been saying it since college, we need NOT a "fence", but a Berlin style wall along the border armed with the Natl Guard. No more jerkin arourd.
Chris B.
04-25-10, 05:48 PM
I would agree with you on that, I think LEO's will be extra careful. And until there are some serious repercussions on illegal's, they have no reason for not trying to cross.
the ****ed up law is the one that any knuckle head can carry concealed.. what was so wrong going to that 8 hour class?
El Jefe
04-26-10, 05:16 PM
I would agree with you on that, I think LEO's will be extra careful. And until there are some serious repercussions on illegal's, they have no reason for not trying to cross.
They're gonna have to be. All it takes is one person to lie and that officer could be out of a job. I bet cops aren't too happy with this position they are being put in but someone has to do it! Why not the people that are already enforcing the other laws?
I like this bill
04-26-10, 06:39 PM
the ****ed up law is the one that any knuckle head can carry concealed.. what was so wrong going to that 8 hour class?
Because I didnt need an 8 hour class to open carry. So why is it needed when I want to carry concealed? Or, if its needed for concealed carry, why dont you insist on it for open carry? I didnt get a CCL because I didnt want to give my fingerprints.
I just figured the CCW was (maybe weak) but a filter to not let any crazy/dirtbag/etc.. carry concealed.. and from the cops I've talked to, it gave them a bit more sense of you/me being a normal person since you passed the background check... the two times I've been pulled over and they asked for a weapon, after i showed them the CCW they didn't even ask to see the weapon... on a funny side, IWe got busted once street racing...the cop was cool..he asked if we had any weapons I said just a bazoka... bazoka bass tube that is.. lol.. he did laugh..
ccw goes pretty far, id still get one if you plan on carrying.
we got pulled over for running a red light and speeding up by heber. had an ar-15, xd9, ruger 22, desert eagle, and 12 gauge all in the car (only the xd9 and desert eagle were hidden). showed the ccw and got off with a warning
04-26-10, 11:45 PM
ccw goes pretty far, id still get one if you plan on carrying.
we got pulled over for running a red light and speeding up by heber. had an ar-15, xd9, ruger 22, desert eagle, and 12 gauge all in the car (only the xd9 and desert eagle were hidden). showed the ccw and got off with a warning
Lol, wholly crap, were you on the way to the militia meeting?
04-26-10, 11:47 PM
I just figured the CCW was (maybe weak) but a filter to not let any crazy/dirtbag/etc.. carry concealed..
Ehh, the scumbags have always been carrying concealed, this doesnt change that other than they cant be arrested for it now. But, neither can I.
Ehh, the scumbags have always been carrying concealed, this doesnt change that other than they cant be arrested for it now. But, neither can I.
Lol, wholly crap, were you on the way to the militia meeting?
nope we were camping, and having fun (obviously)
My CCW came from the 2nd Amendment A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
04-27-10, 01:34 AM
In PA there was no stupid class. Just go get your permit.
04-27-10, 09:10 AM
Let me weigh in on this with my first post. The pundits and complainers of the new illegal alien law have no idea that there is still a matter of "Probable Cause". Police cannot simply approach someone and ask for papers. They similarly cannot stop someone in a car because they might be illegal. They cannot even ask for papers if the person is stopped for a traffic issue and APPEARS to be not-of-USA-citizenship; it takes more Probable Cause than even that. BTW, how has ICE been able to find out about illegals without asking them for papers? They've been doing it since the inception of ICE or INS; are they racists? Like the saying goes, "If you have not broken the law, then there is nothing to worry about". Let that be a warning to the hordes of Canadians violating our borders.
Rick Shopmier
04-27-10, 10:52 AM
No law would be better if there was no reason for it, we have enough laws. But, when there is a problem then it is necessary to make laws. It is obvious that the Washington gang is more interested in socializing this country than protecting it. I think this law is a challenge to the the feds to get their act together. I also feel no law is worth anything unless it well be enforced, our law enforcement community is already trained to be sensitive to racial issues and will not abuse their power, if you are doing something you shouldn't be I think it only fair to be asked your legal status. We all want to feel safe and we all know that the illegals are a major problem...we are now dealing with it....Obama wake up. If the Washington challenges this law it will show that the illegals have more rights than legals....we are screwed. Remember November is not far away......time to "DUMP THE BUMS".
04-27-10, 08:51 PM
No law would be better if there was no reason for it, we have enough laws. But, when there is a problem then it is necessary to make laws. It is obvious that the Washington gang is more interested in socializing this country than protecting it. I think this law is a challenge to the the feds to get their act together. I also feel no law is worth anything unless it well be enforced, our law enforcement community is already trained to be sensitive to racial issues and will not abuse their power, if you are doing something you shouldn't be I think it only fair to be asked your legal status. We all want to feel safe and we all know that the illegals are a major problem...we are now dealing with it....Obama wake up. If the Washington challenges this law it will show that the illegals have more rights than legals....we are screwed. Remember November is not far away......time to "DUMP THE BUMS".
While I agree with you Rick, you missed the big one ...Obama and Washington have a larger agenda than rights and socialism. November is right around the corner, and it's all about power and getting re-elected. No way they offend the Hispanic voting block. All part of the the "good guys" and blame it all on the republicans.
Mr. Austin
05-03-10, 11:00 AM
I'm for the law. Had a few police officers from peoria walk into my store yesterday and i asked them what they thought. One was telling me the mayor of phoenix doesn't like it and that she is not going to enforce it. But their mayor (boss) of Peoria is happy to enforce it as well as scottsdale. Few of my buddies are scottsdale police and thats what they have told me about their mayor.
Little POV on this topic
05-06-10, 06:19 PM
we sold the wall to you guys here. put it back up. but you must secure the wall and shoot the guys coming over too. it only takes acuple of icidents and none of the bordercrossers wants to die .but as long as the mexican army can invade into arizona and shoot at our borderpatrolagents to get the shipments from the cartells through and we dont shoot back. nothing will change. texas tried the last years and now its our turn i would go down to the border and help when we lock the border down. will it happen?its the law to carry id with you all the time so its not a big deal when you need to show it .who ever is here illegal, get legal or go home thats why we have workvisas and studentvisas do it the right way or stay home. i did it and so can everyone else.
My soph year in 1986 i stood up in class and disputed the facts about what really happen with slavery and i was kicked out of class so I will not say how i really feel about those who want to twist the truth about this law for fear that I might be removed from this thread so I will just say....ZONATION for mayor!!!!! Vote for ZONATION!!!!
05-06-10, 11:13 PM
He makes a tone of sense!!! I'd vote for him!! Amazing how the media and everyone marching twist the facts!!!!!!! I dont care what colors skin you have if your here illegally then get legal or go home!
05-06-10, 11:41 PM
Fricken 100 thousand thumbs up on this one ASUSMC, Thanks for sharing :)
05-25-10, 01:22 AM
+1, 2, and 3!!!!!
Some of my best friends are Mexican-American. Their families came here, got JOBS, paid TAXES, and BECAME CITIZENS! These people are safe under the new law.
We're only after the banditos! The people who come across our border like they were walking through a door, cause trouble, fill our bad neighborhoods with gangs, supply weapons, drugs, and cause crimes, get their money, and give it back to the Mexican economy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Try doing the same to Mexico. You'll end up in jail after a questionable trial! So don't let the press allow you to believe that "the poor Mexicans" are so hurt by this!
I'm not against any LEGAL immigrant! My family immigrated from Italy - Legally! If Italians started flooding the country in the same manner, I would feel EXACTLY the same way!
My 3 cents!
05-25-10, 01:23 AM
BTW RockysMom, sweet Stang! :)
05-25-10, 10:31 AM
Thank you so much PhatKat, I love him :))
05-25-10, 01:31 PM
You're very welcome! I may be getting the same color! :)
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