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View Full Version : Check out this awesome truck, I thought I would share

09-27-06, 09:22 AM
Thought you would all like to see this truck.

Look at the plate.. Ohio Heroes....make sure you look underneath and under the fenders.
Ok go to my file, i have uploaded them in there sheesh

09-27-06, 09:39 AM
all i get is this

Error #3: Your login session has expired.

do think we can see into someone elses mail :)

09-27-06, 09:45 AM
all i get is this

Error #3: Your login session has expired.

do think we can see into someone elses mail :)

I fixed it now tanks

09-27-06, 10:28 AM
heheheh seems everytime u fix it... something pops up

now requires a MSN passport id...which i do have....

second requires ya to join a group to view the pics..... although id like to see the truck signing up for a group is just to much work :biggrin:

09-27-06, 10:29 AM
Link does not work for me. Just post the pictures on here as a attachment.

09-27-06, 12:26 PM
Link does not work for me. Just post the pictures on here as a attachment.
Thats what I tried to do but it wont work sheesh, JEFFFFFFFFFFF HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP

09-27-06, 12:40 PM
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH forget it, I cant even post them in the galleries sheesh grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

09-27-06, 01:29 PM
send em to me :)


ill host em

or u could join photobucket and then you can post em...

i dont use photobucket but alot of peeps do :awsome:

09-27-06, 01:36 PM
send em to me :)


ill host em

or u could join photobucket and then you can post em...

i dont use photobucket but alot of peeps do :awsome:
Ok sent, I cant believe im having such a problem posting them sheesh

09-27-06, 01:44 PM
Just for your Trisha :Bucktooth: I didnt wanna put the pic in the post....so i just posted the links

weird some links work and others dont . I did use the link button...odd

www.tac2cul.net/picture1.jpg (http://www.tac2cul.net/picture1.jpg)
www.tac2cul.net/picture2.jpg (http://www.tac2cul.net/picture2.jpg)
www.tac2cul.net/picture3.jpg (http://www.tac2cul.net/picture3.jpg)
www.tac2cul.net/picture4.jpg (http://www.tac2cul.net/picture4.jpg)
www.tac2cul.net/picture5.jpg (http://www.tac2cul.net/picture5.jpg)
www.tac2cul.net/picture6.jpg (http://www.tac2cul.net/picture6.jpg)
www.tac2cul.net/picture7.jpg (http://www.tac2cul.net/picture7.jpg)
www.tac2cul.net/picture8.jpg (http://www.tac2cul.net/picture8.jpg)
www.tac2cul.net/picture9.jpg (http://www.tac2cul.net/picture9.jpg)
www.tac2cul.net/picture10.jpg (http://www.tac2cul.net/picture10.jpg)

09-27-06, 01:48 PM
Just for your Trisha :Bucktooth: I didnt wanna put the pic in the post....so i just posted the links

www.tac2cul.net/picture1.jpg (http://www.highperformancestangs.com/forums/www.tac2cul.net/picture1.jpg)
www.tac2cul.net/picture2.jpg (http://www.tac2cul.net/picture2.jpg)
www.tac2cul.net/picture3.jpg (http://www.tac2cul.net/picture3.jpg)
www.tac2cul.net/picture4.jpg (http://www.highperformancestangs.com/forums/www.tac2cul.net/picture4.jpg)
www.tac2cul.net/picture5.jpg (http://www.tac2cul.net/picture5.jpg)
www.tac2cul.net/picture6.jpg (http://www.tac2cul.net/picture6.jpg)
www.tac2cul.net/picture7.jpg (http://www.tac2cul.net/picture7.jpg)
www.tac2cul.net/picture8.jpg (http://www.tac2cul.net/picture8.jpg)
www.tac2cul.net/picture9.jpg (http://www.tac2cul.net/picture9.jpg)
www.tac2cul.net/picture10.jpg (http://www.tac2cul.net/picture10.jpg)

Hahhahaha here is the error I on picture 1 and 4 from yours....
Not Found

The requested URL /forums/www.tac2cul.net/picture1.jpg was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Apache/1.3.37 Server at www.highperformancestangs.com (http://www.highperformancestangs.com) Port 80 Rofl someone dont want them to be seen rofl rofl:laughing1: :laughing1: :laughing1:

09-27-06, 01:51 PM

something be weird 4 sure....

we'll let admins figure it out :thmbsup:

also i was gunna attach em but i see no button to attach files

09-27-06, 02:01 PM
Incredable paint job.. But he could of used some military advice on his choice of aircraft. He has A-10's and F15's flying joint air support over a Navy aircraft carrier. Air Force jets do not offer carrier support let alone even land on one. Still a nice paint job...

09-27-06, 02:17 PM

something be weird 4 sure....

we'll let admins figure it out :thmbsup:

also i was gunna attach em but i see no button to attach files

Jeff to the rescue.
They are woking now.

09-27-06, 02:34 PM
Escalade Front End = :gayalarm:

09-27-06, 05:34 PM
Escalade Front End = :gayalarm:

I was not even looking at the truck itself, I was more interested in the cool paint job, Hey is Jaco out there somewhere, There is a fall show meeting tonight yes? Are you meeting somewhere earlier for dinner

09-27-06, 05:36 PM
Jeff to the rescue.
They are woking now.
Thanks bunches Jeff, Im not sure what the heck im doing wrong here, others can get them in the actual message box and ill be darned if I can rofl rofl:laughing1:

09-27-06, 05:53 PM
Link does not work for me. Just post the pictures on here as a attachment.

Attachments directly to a post is only a moderator function.

09-27-06, 07:03 PM
Attachments directly to a post is only a moderator function.

Oh mighty mighty moderator :bowing: were not worthy were not worthy:z7shysterical: :z7shysterical: :z7shysterical: