View Full Version : Saturday April 3rd from 1pm to 9pm.

04-03-10, 10:20 AM
This Saturday, April 3rd, from 1pm to 9pm, over 2,000 collector cars will be parked in Phoenix's Park Central Mall located on the west side of Central Ave just south of Osborn Ave. and just north of Thomas Road. There is no admission charge for spectators.
Another 3,000 vehicles will be cruising up and down Central Avenue while thousands of spectators line up on both sides of Central Ave like for a parade to watch the cruisers go by.

Anyone going to this car show?


04-03-10, 11:29 AM
i will be there but not with the mustang. The future wife wants to drive her miata today.

04-03-10, 11:49 AM
Ya Im thinking about taking the Trans Am because of the T-tops the weather is beautiful today!

Mr. Austin
04-03-10, 01:22 PM
i will be there but not with the mustang. The future wife wants to drive her miata today.
I got to drive my buddies who had put a T6 on his Miata. Small little turbo but they were fun to begin with so it just helped boost it. He Goes to NAU now so he was telling me that the hills are a blast in that little thing

04-03-10, 07:36 PM
hers is supercharged, has a small 45ci eaton on it.

04-03-10, 10:12 PM
Very cool time! Anyone that didn't go missed out. The cops were very lenient and pretty much let people smoke the tires at will. Unbelievable power houses out there today!

04-04-10, 11:09 AM
Any Pics ?? Plus did anyone take pics of the trip to the Cobra place near Wickenberg ?

04-04-10, 11:53 AM
No I actually forgot my camera yesterday!!!! I have a few photos from the Rock n Roll cruise to the Cobra shop.

Compliments of Hank Gallo

04-04-10, 12:07 PM
Heres a few I took

04-04-10, 12:11 PM

Mr. Austin
04-04-10, 01:15 PM
Now that is Awsome. Have to make my way over there someday. As for the burnouts im glad to here they still were letting people do that! After last year they were saying it got so out of hand that we might not have been able to come back. But hey people talk ya know? Glad to to here it was fun. Awsome Photos.

04-04-10, 01:22 PM
Ya I think towards the end of the night the cops were getting a little tired of not doing anything about it, but they seemed cool overall. Some of the race cars were smoking the tires so heavy from the stop lights you couldnt see. Towards 9 pm the smell of buring rubber was heavy in the air. Brought back alot of memories from the old high school days when cruising Central on Friday and Saturday nights was just the thing to do. From what I understand they do this 4 times a year. Ill definitely be going to this event again. I think I even lost a few levels of rubber off my Trans Am :biglaugh:

04-04-10, 03:28 PM
Thanks for the pics Joe,Hank, sounds like a good time on Central, I was at the Elks car show out in AJ. I had the "newest" car there. Should be renamed a "classic" car show, as majority are 30's,40's,50's. Very nice older cars, rods, etc. My 06 was mostly overlooked, as most looked at the classic cars an trucks.Only 2 Mustangs in the show...

04-04-10, 04:12 PM
Nice pics!

We had a good time at Central also!