View Full Version : 1967 Mustang Coupe - Too Cool Coupe

03-30-10, 01:01 AM
1967 Mustang Coupe - Too Cool Coupe
This Sapphire Blue Mustang Shows What's Possible With The Basic Coupe (http://www.mustangandfords.com/featuredvehicles/1964_1973_mustang/mdmp_1004_1967_mustang_coupe/index.html)This impressive '67 Mustang coupe is a shining example of the excellent result that can be achieved starting with a garden-variety coupe. While not as valuable in a monetary sense as a fastback or convertible, they still possess the same timeless styling and performance potential that comes with any classic Mustang. Because they are much more plentiful, the ante to get into the game with a coupe is usually half the cost of a fastback or convertible. Then there are those of us who prefer the coupe regardless of cost. For those who want an enclosed car with solid top and a formal roofline the Mustang coupe is the only way to fly. That's what Glenn and Kelly Thomas of San Leandro, California, would tell you, and they are the happy owners of this good-looking example. Actually Glenn's taste for coupes may have developed early on, as he fondly remembers driving his Mom's California Special while he was back in high school. For this new coupe project, Glenn formulated a plan for bigger-than-average performance in every department and it included overdrive and air conditioning, as well as a more powerful engine.inline_mediumwraptextright28092745/featuredvehicles/1964_1973_mustang/mdmp_1004_1967_mustang_coupemdmp_1004_10_+1967_mus tang_coupe+leather_seats.jpgTrue

Photo Gallery: 1967 Mustang Coupe - Modified Mustangs & Fords (http://www.mustangandfords.com/featuredvehicles/1964_1973_mustang/mdmp_1004_1967_mustang_coupe/index.html)

Photo Gallery: 1967 Mustang Coupe - Modified Mustangs & Fords (http://www.mustangandfords.com/featuredvehicles/1964_1973_mustang/mdmp_1004_1967_mustang_coupe/index.html)

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