View Full Version : Snow run on Saturday March 13th
Wades GT
02-24-10, 08:43 AM
Febuary's got cancelled so here is the new date. The route is going to be ..............................
Meet at Mimi's at 815 if you want to eat.
We will leave Mimi's at 9.
Cruise up the 17 to Sunset Point because it's the only rest stop open, plus we had a good idea for a group photo.
Stop in Flag for some lunch.... not shure where but Im open to just about anything.
Cruise donwn the uper lake mary road and stopping at uper lake mary to play in the snow.
After that we are going to cruise through Strawberry and Payson and then come back home on the Bee Line.
Mr. Austin
02-24-10, 08:49 AM
Maybe. I got yelled at at work because i take to much time off. Yet after i asked to see my record i have only had 2 requested days off and no sick days off yet. Sooo work is kinda srewy right now.
02-24-10, 11:40 AM
well you know im down!
02-24-10, 08:20 PM
I plan on being there! woo hoo! cruise time!
02-25-10, 12:02 AM
pshh!!! u gonna have the 66 runnin by then? god it takes you forever to build a high performance engine! lol. :biglaugh:
02-25-10, 09:32 PM
If she is running.... there is that whole brake thing I should look into! I hear them hills are crazy, yo! OOOO and there is this really cool thing called suspension!!!!! the oh-six has it!!!
02-25-10, 10:10 PM
ah those hills are nothin yo! lol. hey the oh sixxx kept up on the last road trip so that aint bad!
Rev'n Kevin
02-26-10, 12:51 AM
I lived 50 years in Alaska, I moved here to get away from the cold and snow, let me know when you want to make a cruise to the beach, lol.
02-26-10, 02:00 AM
I'm down with kevin:pepper:
Beach it is for us maybe a Laughlin river run?
got to wait tell its hot to make it worth while
02-26-10, 02:14 PM
yea but come summer you guys will be wishing we could do a snow run then.
03-01-10, 08:24 PM
Looks like I am not going to be able to make it :( Getting the keys to the new apartment that day! Dang it!!!!
03-02-10, 12:05 AM
Ah that sucks!! But Very happy for you!! where u movin to now?
Wades GT
03-03-10, 07:53 AM
Looks like the route is going to chainge again. We are still meeting at Mimi's and still leaving at the same time. But we are going to be taking the Beeline up through Payson and then we will take the 260 to Show Low then come back through the Salt River Canyon then we will go through Globe and head back to the valley.
Wades GT
03-03-10, 07:55 AM
Cool Roxy.:icon_cool: But moving sucks:hi:
03-03-10, 08:56 AM
What am I missing here, that stang is bad a** I ran into one that was very similar at the Chandler Car Show last weekend what a ride bro. Removed Admin Not a Sponsor
03-03-10, 11:55 AM
mmmmm mimis!!! should be a fun route. come on everyone this is gonna be a good time!
Harry from Flag
03-03-10, 01:34 PM
Hey Guys,
Sorry I'm just catching this thread. I was looking forward to going on your last "Snow Run" 'til it got canceled. I'd be all for meeting up with you and going along for the ride if you guys were getting anywhere near Flagstaff. I was sorry to read that your route had changed. My Mustang has been cooped up in the garage all winter and I think I will be clearing out the last of the snow this weekend so he can come out and play. I have a four wheel drive truck too that doesn't care about parking in the snow. You guys have fun and I'll keep my eyes peeled here just in case the route changes again.
Harry from Flagstaff :)
Wades GT
03-03-10, 05:53 PM
Hey Guys,
Sorry I'm just catching this thread. I was looking forward to going on your last "Snow Run" 'til it got canceled. I'd be all for meeting up with you and going along for the ride if you guys were getting anywhere near Flagstaff. I was sorry to read that your route had changed. My Mustang has been cooped up in the garage all winter and I think I will be clearing out the last of the snow this weekend so he can come out and play. I have a four wheel drive truck too that doesn't care about parking in the snow. You guys have fun and I'll keep my eyes peeled here just in case the route changes again.
Harry from Flagstaff :)
How does the upper lake May road look. I have been told there is no way our Mustangs should be there.
03-03-10, 05:55 PM
Looks like the route is going to change again. We are still meeting at Mimi's and still leaving at the same time. But we are going to be taking the Beeline up through Payson and then we will take the 260 to Show Low then come back through the Salt River Canyon then we will go through Globe and head back to the valley.
The Salt River Canyon you speak of...Would this be the 288?
Wades GT
03-03-10, 09:56 PM
It's on the US60
03-04-10, 12:33 AM
The Salt River Canyon you speak of...Would this be the 288?
yes it sure is.
Harry from Flag
03-04-10, 08:02 AM
The snow on the roads is getting pretty thin these days. I'm hearing that the upper lake Mary road has been cleared. I'll try to check further on it's condition. How far south would you go on this road?
Harry :)
Wades GT
03-04-10, 08:42 AM
The snow on the roads is getting pretty thin these days. I'm hearing that the upper lake Mary road has been cleared. I'll try to check further on it's condition. How far south would you go on this road?
Harry :)
All the way to the 260.
Harry from Flag
03-04-10, 09:12 AM
That looks like a nice route and ride. I'll try to check further on the road conditions through 260 to 17.
Harry from Flag
03-05-10, 02:55 PM
Can't find any reports that the roads are bad/snowy down Lake Mary from Flag to 260 and on to 17. We might get some snow this week, but it is thinning out 'cause it's getting warmer. Could be a better trip when less risk of snow. Will keep my eyes peeled for any trip up this way.
Harry :)
Wades GT
03-05-10, 03:48 PM
Can't find any reports that the roads are bad/snowy down Lake Mary from Flag to 260 and on to 17. We might get some snow this week, but it is thinning out 'cause it's getting warmer. Could be a better trip when less risk of snow. Will keep my eyes peeled for any trip up this way.
Harry :)
Wades GT
03-08-10, 07:28 AM
Forest Lakes / Heber got nailed this weekend. Christopher creek area all the way Through Heber is looking bad so the Snow Run will have to wait again.
03-08-10, 06:22 PM
We are still planning a flower run possibly for april up beeline hwy. i heard that gets really nice that time of the year. Snow run did not get much interest this time around. Anybody still want to do something this weekend post up any ideas.
03-09-10, 01:38 AM
told ya wait till its hot out and will make a river run
lotta flowers for you to look at there tyler
03-09-10, 01:56 AM
hey you know what that was roxy's idea about the flower run! lol. plus it would make for some nice photo opps. some of the mustangs might blend into the colorful flowers. lol :biglaugh:
Rick Shopmier
03-09-10, 09:23 AM
Shangri-La anyone? Flowers and more for you Tyler!
Wades GT
03-09-10, 10:00 AM
03-09-10, 03:18 PM
whats up with you and shangri la? lol. nevermind about the flower idea! lol.
03-09-10, 09:20 PM
all right my turn to use this
03-10-10, 02:19 AM
:boxing: :talktothehand: :laughing: :laughing:
Wades GT
03-10-10, 08:15 AM
Wades GT
03-10-10, 08:05 PM
Mr. Austin
03-11-10, 12:18 AM
hahaha thats like a feature on that 70's show
So, is nothing going on this weekend? I havn't been on here much so I'm just seeing this but I'm down for a cruise to Prescott or something.
Rick Shopmier
03-12-10, 10:21 AM
I think I will pass. As much as I love snow being from Colorado and having lived in Canada, I don't think I want to drive thru the slush in Flag. Any how I'll be preping my car for the Buff-n-Shine. So if you go bring a jacket and put on your snow tires. Shangi-La is still on and no jacket is required, or for that matter any thing else. Do know what snow tires are????
03-12-10, 04:22 PM
The last thing I'm going to do is get my car takes way to long to detail it back to how clean I like it. Right now it's dusty under the hood due to early mornings and late nights at work.
I'm very blessed to have a wife who understands why I like to leave it in the garage when in rains on the few days it does out here. We get to commute to work together on those days which is great as we can talk about things without the kids and grandkids around.
Tonight I believe is Norterra show at I-17 and Happy Valley. Will try to head there after I pick my GT/CS up at Sanderson, so will get out of work at 5. Save me a spot if you can.
03-16-10, 12:32 PM
So has thes been postponed till July or August?
Wades GT
03-16-10, 05:59 PM
So has thes been postponed till July or August?
Maybe in April if there is any snow left. I have to work this weekend + others will be going to the Rock and roll Pony show this weekend. And next weekend I'll be at the Super Ford shootout. So it will have to wait until April.
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