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02-10-10, 09:24 AM
Ford Racing Mustang Cylinder Heads
Ford Racing Mustang Cylinder Heads (http://www.highperformancestangs.com/techarticles/m5lp_1003_ford_racing_mustang_cylinder_heads/index.html)As we noted in the second stanza of this series ("Best of Both Worlds;" Jan, '10, p. 70), the term "racing" is somewhat global, with respect to the ways in which Mustangs are modified for and used in various types of motorsport competition. However, despite Mustangs' versatility-especially those equipped with the pushrod engines-drag racing is arguably recognized as the number one form of competition for daily driven and purpose-built Ponies.inline_mediumwraptextrightRocco Acerrio of A.R.E. Performance & Machine of Simi Valley, California (www.areperformance.com), "gettin' his grind on," opening up an intake port on Edelbrock's wicked, Glidden Victor SC-I Pro Port race heads for Joel Orme's Vortech-supercharged small-block. Notice the difference between the as-cast port on the left and the hole that Rocco is working on in this photo. With the right portwork, Glidden (the castings were conceptualized by Mustang racing legend, Billy Glidden) Victor SC-Is have the potential to flow 430-440 cfm on the intake side, and make the same type of steam that helped John Urist capture his fourth NMRA Super Street Outlaw championship in 2009.31939815/techarticles/m5lp_1003_ford_racing_mustang_cylinder_headsm5lp_1 003_01_o+cylinder_heads+rocco_acerrio.jpgTrue

Photo Gallery: Ford Racing Mustang Cylinder Heads - 5.0 Mustang & Fast Fords (http://www.highperformancestangs.com/techarticles/m5lp_1003_ford_racing_mustang_cylinder_heads/index.html)

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