View Full Version : 1967 Mustang Eleanor Replica - Elemental Eleanor

02-08-10, 10:01 AM
1967 Mustang Eleanor Replica - Elemental Eleanor
http://image.mustangandfords.com/f/featuredvehicles/mdmp_1003_1967_mustang_eleanor_replica/27826486+ppromo_large/mdmp_1003_02_+1967_mustang_eleanor_replica+front_a ngle.jpg
This Famous Clone Is A Benchmark In Mustang Styling (http://www.highperformancestangs.com/featuredvehicles/mdmp_1003_1967_mustang_eleanor_replica/index.html)Art and Debra Andrew's '67 Mustang Eleanor Replica
It's been awhile since Nicholas Cage starred in the movie Gone in 60 Seconds and nobody was surprised when he wasn't nominated for an award by the Motion Picture Academy. The truth is that the real star of the movie was the "Eleanor" Mustang he drove in the film, and it is this car that has endured in the minds of movie goers and Mustang lovers everywhere. Although we've seen many Eleanor replicas in our day here at Modified Mustangs & Fords, we're always struck with how good the Eleanor cars look and how well these modifications have withstood the test of time. While they may not be loved by some of the diehard Mustang fans, we can't fault the design for bringing many people into our hobby and many new parts to vendor's shelves.inline_mediumwraptextright26627696/featuredvehicles/mdmp_1003_1967_mustang_eleanor_replicamdmp_1003_01 _+1967_mustang_eleanor_replica+art_andrew.jpgTrue

Photo Gallery: 1967 Mustang Eleanor Replica - Modified Mustangs & Fords (http://www.highperformancestangs.com/featuredvehicles/mdmp_1003_1967_mustang_eleanor_replica/index.html)

Photo Gallery: 1967 Mustang Eleanor Replica - Modified Mustangs & Fords (http://www.highperformancestangs.com/featuredvehicles/mdmp_1003_1967_mustang_eleanor_replica/index.html)

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Full Story.. (http://www.mustangandfords.com/featuredvehicles/mdmp_1003_1967_mustang_eleanor_replica)