01-16-10, 04:36 PM
So I went to the yearly "New car show" on Thanksgiving. First time since 06. I used to go yearly without fail back in KC, not as religiously out here, and hardly at all over the past several years. The shows out here were never as good, surprisingly, as those in KC. I only went this year because I could get in free, courtesy of Sanderson Ford. In Phoenix tradition, this was a "thin" show. And with fewer manufacturers, I guess thats how it will always be now. For people who had to pay, they got stiffed, badly. ESP if they had to pay for parking.
Let me expand on that. Back in 06 things were tore up as the "Phoenix Convention Center" was undergoing expansion and remodeling. But, Im pretty sure the status quo underground parking was still available. Even if not, I had no issues with parking then or the price. This year a completely different story.
Im a tight, cheap bastid. Hence why I went when it was free. Before I left I checked the show website to check parking. "Follow the signs off 7th street for show parking". Ok, cool. So, I make my way down to the show. Following the signs, but thinking I was supposed to turn at one spot, I drove around a bit trying to find the parking before giving up and getting back on 7th street.
Going down further, following the sign I had missed, I turn on the street. "Event parking. 12$". Wtf? Are you SERIOUS? 12 fleepin dollars for a show that only cost 9$ at full price, but only cost 8$ that day if people got the 1$ off coupon out of the paper or off the website. Well, this is bull, plus its not the underground parking I had used in years past anyway.
So, I keep driving. And driving. And circling. Where the FUGG is the underground parking? Hmm, heres parking at St Marys Basilica for 8$. K, well if I have to, Ill park there. What about this place? Hmm, no sign indicating the cost. Ok, how bout the Suns arena parking. 10$, but its closed. Grr. Ohh, look, heres a dude charging only 5$ for his private lot. K, cool. Ill keep that one in mind too. Still driving and circling. What about this place? I drive down the ramp because the price isnt posted on a curbside sign. 14!!!$ Fawk Que. U turn. Hey look, an open air lot for 5$, just insert your bill(s) in the numbered slot. ARGGH!! I dont have any 1s or 5s.
Yeah, Im using up gas, but I will NOT pay 12$ to park based on principle, I dont care if I use 12$ of gas to find parking. So, I give up and decide on parking at St Marys. Well, despite the signs, ITS closed too. GRR! Ok, lets go to the dudes private lot. Nope, closed now too. GGRRR!!! Well, lets go THIS way. Im about ready to give up and drive home. So on my last lap in a new area I pass a side street that appears to have free, curbside parking. I have to lap AGAIN and YES, FREE parking. Not very far either at all. WOOT! After (only, lol) 30 mins of driving around.
So, for people who had to pay to get in as well as pay to park, like I say, they got stiffed, BAD. BUT, I wont bother to go again now that I know the hassle with parking. BUT, if I go for some other event, I know where to park for free. And where is that underground parking, btw? Well, no longer there, a victim of the remodel and expansion, apparently. THATS dumb.
Anyway, herewith the pics:
I LOVE this, ESP in "B5" Blue.
THIS is a great pic. At some point Im going to funk with it in PShop to remove the ugly ceiling backgroud.
NOT a good pic, darn blur. GRR!
Another pretty blue.
NO M Series of any kind. Bummer. I STILL HATE Chris Bangle designs.
Let me expand on that. Back in 06 things were tore up as the "Phoenix Convention Center" was undergoing expansion and remodeling. But, Im pretty sure the status quo underground parking was still available. Even if not, I had no issues with parking then or the price. This year a completely different story.
Im a tight, cheap bastid. Hence why I went when it was free. Before I left I checked the show website to check parking. "Follow the signs off 7th street for show parking". Ok, cool. So, I make my way down to the show. Following the signs, but thinking I was supposed to turn at one spot, I drove around a bit trying to find the parking before giving up and getting back on 7th street.
Going down further, following the sign I had missed, I turn on the street. "Event parking. 12$". Wtf? Are you SERIOUS? 12 fleepin dollars for a show that only cost 9$ at full price, but only cost 8$ that day if people got the 1$ off coupon out of the paper or off the website. Well, this is bull, plus its not the underground parking I had used in years past anyway.
So, I keep driving. And driving. And circling. Where the FUGG is the underground parking? Hmm, heres parking at St Marys Basilica for 8$. K, well if I have to, Ill park there. What about this place? Hmm, no sign indicating the cost. Ok, how bout the Suns arena parking. 10$, but its closed. Grr. Ohh, look, heres a dude charging only 5$ for his private lot. K, cool. Ill keep that one in mind too. Still driving and circling. What about this place? I drive down the ramp because the price isnt posted on a curbside sign. 14!!!$ Fawk Que. U turn. Hey look, an open air lot for 5$, just insert your bill(s) in the numbered slot. ARGGH!! I dont have any 1s or 5s.
Yeah, Im using up gas, but I will NOT pay 12$ to park based on principle, I dont care if I use 12$ of gas to find parking. So, I give up and decide on parking at St Marys. Well, despite the signs, ITS closed too. GRR! Ok, lets go to the dudes private lot. Nope, closed now too. GGRRR!!! Well, lets go THIS way. Im about ready to give up and drive home. So on my last lap in a new area I pass a side street that appears to have free, curbside parking. I have to lap AGAIN and YES, FREE parking. Not very far either at all. WOOT! After (only, lol) 30 mins of driving around.
So, for people who had to pay to get in as well as pay to park, like I say, they got stiffed, BAD. BUT, I wont bother to go again now that I know the hassle with parking. BUT, if I go for some other event, I know where to park for free. And where is that underground parking, btw? Well, no longer there, a victim of the remodel and expansion, apparently. THATS dumb.
Anyway, herewith the pics:
I LOVE this, ESP in "B5" Blue.
THIS is a great pic. At some point Im going to funk with it in PShop to remove the ugly ceiling backgroud.
NOT a good pic, darn blur. GRR!
Another pretty blue.
NO M Series of any kind. Bummer. I STILL HATE Chris Bangle designs.