View Full Version : Gearing....

Fast SVT
12-17-09, 09:54 AM
I was wondering if it would make sense to go with a longer gear in the Cobra for runs on the autobahn.

I'd like to keep the RPM's down while cruising around 120mph and changing the gearing shouldn't be a big deal on the street since it is a twin screw that already makes too much TQ down low.


12-17-09, 10:31 AM
You can plug in some numbers here
I believe your 6th ratio is .62

Fast SVT
12-17-09, 10:56 AM
Thanks. A Viper spec T-56 might help as well since it is different gear ratio's for 5th and 6th meant for higher speeds.

12-17-09, 11:05 AM
Thanks. A Viper spec T-56 might help as well since it is different gear ratio's for 5th and 6th meant for higher speeds. Yea that .50 6th would help.

Fast SVT
12-17-09, 11:18 AM
I'm going to see if Top Gear Motor Sports in PHX can swap out my 6th gear to the viper .50 as well as some other internal upgrades.

12-17-09, 11:43 AM
a buddy of mine had the viper spec T-56 with 4.30's in the rear. Even with that set up car had 2k cruising speed at 80 mph on the bahn. 120 cruising is a little overkill I mostly did 100 and even then I'm sure his car still maintained 3k rpms. My car would scream at 3500-4k at those speeds.

I suggest stepping up to a oil cooler for sustained runs like that.

When I was there I hardly used the autobahn and if I did it was mostly just to travel far or to have some fun.

Fast SVT
12-17-09, 11:57 AM
I traveled often last time I was there and regularly cruised at 120 so I'm speaking from experience. Just trying to find a common sense way to keep the RPM's down and it seems changing out the gearing in 6th is the smartest way and won't change daily driving.

12-17-09, 02:49 PM
I was only saying a friend had the .5 final drive gear and it worked out great for him even with 4.30's. I didnt use the auto bahn on a daily basis so I really dont know how traffic is...Even cruising at 120 I'm sure Audi A6 and A8 wagons will still flash you, LOL.

I drove from east stuttgart to landstuhl in 45 minutes once...used 12 gallons of fuel too. 150-175 MPH most of the way in my POS.

Fast SVT
12-18-09, 07:29 AM
Yeah, those station wagons fly on the bahn.