View Full Version : Russo/Steele Display!! Jan 22nd

12-15-09, 11:12 AM
Friday January 22nd at Russo/Steele Mustang Display Time TBA but figure ROUND 5PM!

We will meet right before going in.. Please PM me if you are interested in displaying your Mustang. We get free passes to the auction plus other goodies!! It was very fun last year!

More info

Scott Nett. thenettfamily@msn.com
Dave Jacobelli PM or ccdjaco@cox.net

12-15-09, 12:14 PM
Is it at the same place as last year?

12-15-09, 12:57 PM
Is it at the same place as last year?
I believe so! More info as it comes available.


12-15-09, 02:06 PM
hmmm.... i think i would definitely be able to take the gt500 over!

12-15-09, 03:02 PM
I believe so! More info as it comes available.


Ughhh, why can't they find a nice place that is on solid concrete and not on crushed gravel and dirt? I went last year as a spectator and couldnt believe how dusty the cars got over there...

12-16-09, 11:30 AM
Count me in again this year. Had a blast last year!

12-17-09, 07:52 PM
Sounds good to me - count me and my brother in.

01-05-10, 01:48 PM
Ok we are getting closer, we are meeting at the entrance to Russo Steele at 4:30 pm and driving in together at 5pm. We will pick up our passes after we park so please PM me with you FULL NAME!! and any of your Guests names also!!



01-08-10, 09:01 PM
Today I saw them staking out the same lot as last year.

Is it at the same place as last year?

01-10-10, 05:19 PM
If your not on the list you do not have passes.... Last chance the list is going in tonight at 10pm.


Copperstate VIP List For Russo Steele

Dave Jacobelli
Steve Naranjo
Wayne Sloan
Jeff Laliberte
James Laliberte
Tom Grader
Dan Pritchard
Andreas Sievers
Elenor Sievers
Jeff Dorfman
Jerry Young
Gerald Young
Bob Ancell
Alyce Ancel
Fabian Pugliese
Dick Martin
John Valencia
Judy Bateman
Dan Martorano
JoAnn Martorano
Diane Veine
Robert Lawler
Hank Gallo
Anthony Gallo
Dan Youngblood
Doug Kelourie
Keith Kelourie

01-21-10, 06:50 PM
Just got word that both tents have blown down and collapsed at Russo Steele!

All Copperstate members are accounted for but major damage to vehilces.

No display or activities this weekend, watch local news and any updates I will post when I receive them!

01-21-10, 07:14 PM
Holy Crap! Can you say that on this Forum??

Glad everyone is OK but very sorry to hear about damage to all those nice rides. I know the wind is blowing like crazy around our neighborhood in Chandler.

Think they will try to re-build and give next week a shot?

01-21-10, 07:48 PM
hopefully knowone got hurt.

01-21-10, 08:17 PM
WOW, unreal.

01-21-10, 09:09 PM
just watched on the news and the tent flew onto the 101, and there not letting owners get to their cars till tomorrow...man if feel for them

01-22-10, 08:48 AM
Drew Alcazar was just on 3 News that the auction will continue. It wasn't as bad as it looked last night. They will allow owers in soon and continue from there.

Just got word that both tents have blown down and collapsed at Russo Steele!

01-22-10, 10:34 AM
Does that have any bearing on tonight for the club's attendance?

And Dave, any word on B-J tickets for Sunday?

01-22-10, 01:10 PM
So sorry to see the reports on news last night.

Heard one individual got an arm injury. Hope that was only injury.

Are CMC cars are OK?.

Feel terrible for the sellers and the buyers that just bought and now have damaged cars. They are only original once...

How does insurance cover something like this?

Russo-Steele insurance, or the owners insurance?

Rev'n Kevin
01-23-10, 12:47 AM
I heard Hagerty had a bunch of their insurance appraisers over there today helping with estimates of damage.

01-24-10, 04:16 PM
Those who signed up for the show on last Friday night would be interested to know that R&S has your name on a list and will issue you VIP passes if you show up today or Monday. I was just there with my son this afternoon. Lots of damaged cars, some of which are still going forward for sale today or tomorrow.

01-24-10, 05:32 PM
The damages!:sad-smiley-047::sad-smiley-047::sad-smiley-047:


01-24-10, 06:48 PM
Good to know. Thanks. I was thinking of heading over there today, but ran out of time. I'll try to sneak over there Monday. Was anything selling?

Those who signed up for the show on last Friday night would be interested to know that R&S has your name on a list and will issue you VIP passes if you show up today or Monday. I was just there with my son this afternoon. Lots of damaged cars, some of which are still going forward for sale today or tomorrow.

01-24-10, 07:20 PM
Wow those pics are just terrible.

01-24-10, 07:32 PM
Good to know. Thanks. I was thinking of heading over there today, but ran out of time. I'll try to sneak over there Monday. Was anything selling?

Yeah, there seemed to be quite a few moving but I was there when some of the lower reserve models were crossing the stage.

01-24-10, 07:45 PM

01-24-10, 11:58 PM
wow i just cringed on every single pic.