View Full Version : This Saturday!!
11-18-09, 10:01 PM
Remember this Saturday the 21st is the cruise in Food Drive!! If your going from the east valley we are meeting at Berge Ford at 3:30 and driving over!! Hope to see everyone there!!! Be safe and have fun!!:yes:
Anyone wanna meet at 101 and Cave creek at the Costco parking lot? Or at least in that area, I'm sure the parking lot will be mobbed with Costco being open still.
11-21-09, 01:49 AM
My wife and I will be there (safeway) at 3pm setting up hope to see you there
I will be there, this should be mucho fun.
11-21-09, 11:08 AM
About 4pm? Usual spot by the Costco loading docks?
Anyone wanna meet at 101 and Cave creek at the Costco parking lot? Or at least in that area, I'm sure the parking lot will be mobbed with Costco being open still.
11-21-09, 11:14 AM
It is gonna be a good time for sure. I will be at Berge early to pick up a few things, then wait for the ponies to arrive so we can stampede out there tee heee.
11-21-09, 01:03 PM
Time to shine up the filly! See you folks on out there!
Great time and good turnout! Met alot of really nice people and saw some awesome cars!
$150.00 fifty/fifty didn't hurt! To bad I didn't win it! :huh:
I heard the donation numbers but don't think I know it well enough.
I think they collected over 800 can goods, many turkeys and cash. Someone else probably knows specifics.
Great time! What car people should be about! :2thumbs:
Rick Shopmier
11-21-09, 11:18 PM
The food drive was a success and here are some of the numbers:
800 plus canned foods:laughing1:
$ 450 in cash:highfive:
19 Turkeys:pepper:
and a lot of people feeling good as raffle winners and food on the table for those in need.....we all won tonight and thanks to all.:woot2:
Mr. Austin
11-21-09, 11:19 PM
Dang it! Joe did you take your car out?! I didnt look for it and was really interested in seeing it!
Ya I take it everywhere I go nowadays. Still got a few boo boo's Im dealing with but it drives great. I was parked over by Hank and John. In the fall I try to go to everything. We will hook up sometime soon.
Ill have this car til I die :biglaugh: Or til someone offers me more than I can refuse :woot1:
Rick Shopmier
11-21-09, 11:29 PM
Austin, are you stalking me........"GO TO BED".
11-22-09, 10:16 AM
Thanks to everyone for coming out and giving to a very worthwile cause. It was nice to see some of you again. I personally loved beating RICK SHOPMIER in the contest Teeheee, He raise 100.73 and we raised 105.00. He even tried adding more to the pot after HE told me once the tally is announced no more money can be added to the pot ROFL. He conceded like a gentleman though rofl rofl Love ya Rick hehe.:biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:
Make sure you mark your calendars for the Toys for Tots show at Berge Ford on the 5th. Bring a $20 unwrapped toy or enter for $20 cashola. Be there at 8am if you want to help out, show starts at 9 and runs till noon. Its a short show but well worth the cause.
11-22-09, 10:24 AM
You were there? Where? Joe mentioned he didn't see you either.
Thanks to everyone for coming out and giving to a very worthwile cause. It was nice to see some of you again. I personally loved beating RICK SHOPMIER in the contest Teeheee, He raise 100.73 and we raised 105.00. He even tried adding more to the pot after HE told me once the tally is announced no more money can be added to the pot ROFL. He conceded like a gentleman though rofl rofl Love ya Rick hehe.:biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:
Make sure you mark your calendars for the Toys for Tots show at Berge Ford on the 5th. Bring a $20 unwrapped toy or enter for $20 cashola. Be there at 8am if you want to help out, show starts at 9 and runs till noon. Its a short show but well worth the cause.
11-22-09, 10:28 AM
I was parked three vehicles down from Dave, I was running around. I saw you with My little buddy but you were running back to your car. You didnt hear them announce me to come to the announcer booth? teee heee must be loosing a lot of weight then if you didnt see me hehehehehehe.......
You were there? Where? Joe mentioned he didn't see you either.
Rick Shopmier
11-22-09, 10:38 AM
Well some one had to win and some one had to loose....I should have waited for one of our collectors...she had $8. Oh well.... St. Vincent de Paul was the winner any way and we all had fun. Friendly competetion never hurt. I look forward to doing this next year and "YES" Wild West Mustangs will kick ass. If you are taking this as a "IS".
11-22-09, 10:43 AM
Well some one had to win and some one had to loose....I should have waited for one of our collectors...she had $8. Oh well.... St. Vincent de Paul was the winner any way and we all had fun. Friendly competetion never hurt. I look forward to doing this next year and "YES" Wild West Mustangs will kick ass. If you are taking this as a "IS".
11-22-09, 10:16 PM
Well then, it's all good! See ya at Berge!
I was parked three vehicles down from Dave, I was running around. I saw you with My little buddy but you were running back to your car. You didnt hear them announce me to come to the announcer booth? teee heee must be loosing a lot of weight then if you didnt see me hehehehehehe.......
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