View Full Version : Friday Night cruise In
11-16-09, 09:16 AM
As of this week, I will be giving up running the Friday night cruise in at 91st ave and Northern. With my business getting busy and the issues with the imports, I just dont have the time to take care of it anymore. I want to thank EVERYONE for the support and effort over the past 2 years in making it such a huge success and event, its been a blast.
If ANYONE/CLUB is interested in taking it over and running it, i will gladly turn everything over to you or your club/organization. I hate to shut it down completely, but unless i can find someone willing to take it over, this will be the last friday before it is shutdown.
Thanks again to everyone who has worked to make it so successful.
11-16-09, 12:45 PM
well looks like this show will be shutting down. thats ashame.
11-17-09, 11:35 AM
It is a shame but I have been to this cruise and the way the imports are treated is a shame also. If the imports were included instead of being made to feel out of place maybe they would join the rest of the car instead of being out about 100 feet from the others. Am not saying the trash being left is acceptable at all. As far as them stealing the trash sure they would not even fit in the trunks...I own several different types of cars including a hot import and to be called weed wackers as they drive into the cruise is not cool. Am sorry they are ruining it for everyone but you get more with honey then you do salt.
11-17-09, 11:42 AM
We have tried everything including going out and asking them to be a part of the show. They refuse and dont start coming in until we start packing up to leave. Unfortunately, they have ruined this one, just as they have most of the others in town for the exact same reason. If anyone wants to take over and give it a try, PLEASE do. I hate to shut it down.
11-17-09, 12:05 PM
Like I said I have been to the cruise several times with my family and our mustang. I have also been to the Saturday cruise at the Safeway and wonder why they are not haviing any problems like this. My husband was deployed again in August so have not been there since. I have seen all the work you guys have done and am sure it breaks your heart to have to end it...just wish these kids had an adult with the same love of imports to show them how to act. Am sure in sine if the mustang clubs you all have had a young one you had to show how to act. Just hope you think long and hard before you decide to totally close it...had to restart it back up once you stop it.
11-20-09, 09:44 AM
Some insight... from what I can recall from the onset of the "imports" showing up, they parked on the farther end of the parking lot (91st side) and then they moved over to the far right corner away from the rest of the cars later on. On several occasions I went out to them to ask if they wanted to buy some 50-50 tickets. They said they could not hear the announcement for them or other information sent out so I suggested they move closer in with the rest of the cars; I guess they chose not to, and actually weeks later moved farther away. I am not sure what friction or comments were made by other people there that made them reluctant, but I do know the Mustang club members asked them to come in closer several times; it seems they opted to be anti-social and not part of the big group, or it could be others (non Mustang Club) made comments that led them to keep their distance?
I also seen many times the "imports" ate and drank things and threw their garbage on the ground, and the same with beer cans/bottles etc... I also noted several "imports" had bad attitudes, were rude, loud and were vulgar at times... this I contributed to many of them being young, a bit immature, rebellious etc... as many are at this age. It is a gimme that much of this is far from compatible and acceptable at a function like this and also makes it hard for anyone to get along with them. With leaving all this garbage out there, smoking their tires doing burn outs, donuts and driving as fast as they do, these also are obvious no-no's to the point law enforcement had to pull them over as well as owner/management of this parking lot ready to close it down.
They were talked to many times about this and they seemed at first to become more problematic/rebellious (age?) It seemed to get better and not sure what has gone on the past couple of weeks.
Additionally to the previous, Mustang and Ford Club members have gone way above and beyond to make Friday Night Cruise-ins a great night out for car lovers, they have also for months been the ones that clean up all the garbage, cans and bottles strewn all over the parking lot on Friday night AND Saturday mornings ALONG with taking the heat from the owner/manager and local law enforcement- they have had to confront this and beg for the place to not be shut down.
I am not saying this is only on the "imports", there are other bad apples as many of us has seen and heard about but that is all it take is a few apples to ruin it for the bunch. Friday Night is for car lovers, family and friends to get together and have a "healthy and responsible" night out. As with any activity/function, it can be a wonderful thing or it can turn to hell in a hand basket real quick depending on the apples, how rotten and how often... agree? It is unfortunate that those that provide the entertainment and promote this event has to back out due to other responsibilities, and with hope from the collective at 91st and Northern, someone will step up and take the reins to keep it going on as a healthy place to be on Friday nights. It's going to take all car lovers to come together as one team, one entity with good attitudes and behaviors as brothers, sisters and family of these fine machines whether it be a T-buckets, late or new model muscle cars, imports, monster trucks, or classics etc... As Rodney King said "Why can't we just get along"
It is a shame but I have been to this cruise and the way the imports are treated is a shame also. If the imports were included instead of being made to feel out of place maybe they would join the rest of the car instead of being out about 100 feet from the others. Am not saying the trash being left is acceptable at all. As far as them stealing the trash sure they would not even fit in the trunks...I own several different types of cars including a hot import and to be called weed wackers as they drive into the cruise is not cool. Am sorry they are ruining it for everyone but you get more with honey then you do salt.
11-20-09, 10:21 AM
When I was able to make it out to that cruise in, I have:
Talked to a lot of them and asked them why they dont move closer and up with the crowd. I never once got an answer. They just "ya sure, ya'd" me
They get there when its full they cant move in.
They are anti social, as they RARELY had come up and walked around to see the other cars.
I dont understand why they want to be there if they dont FEEL like they fit in???
These are my personal observations. I do not see why a few have to work so hard to keep a good thing going when the other few can cause so much friction.
Baby Shelby
11-22-09, 11:53 AM
Friday Night Cruise is not shutting down. The Outlaw Fords Club just will not be sponsoring it any longer. We have gone above and beyond with this for the past two years. It is not our favorite thing to do to pick up everyone elses trash, urine etc. We have never excluded the imports and yes it is just not the imports. Safeway gave permission to use their parking lot and yes they use to have issues with the imports but they have a right to kick them out.
You have to realize that the Outlaw Fords Club has no legal right to tell the younger generation what to do as we do not own the lot. We reached out to the local law inforcement to help which they have supported the cruise in for years. It takes more than just the club to make this work. It takes everyone to make it work. You have to ask yourself what did you do to help out? Did you try and talk to the kids??? Did you offer to come help pick up trash the next morning?
It takes everyone who loves to hang out with friends and family and new friends who all love the same thing and that is their cars.
Please keep in mind Friday Night is not closing down. The club will just not be doing the music or 50/50 any longer.
Rick Shopmier
11-30-09, 04:56 PM
I went over on 11/27 and drove thru without stopping, I did see a security guy on a bike talking to people and every one was standing around in little groups. When I got to 67 and DV I was told that people were being informed that was the last time the cruise will be held there. I did not get this first hand but another person at was there confirmed it. Oh well. Personally I cannot complain about the imports because I did not seem them do anything and just go by what other have said so I won't blame them for anything. Let all move on!
11-30-09, 08:36 PM
Susan and i went down there last friday also because we had someone who wanted to take it over and we were dropping off all of the equipment to them. When we got there the security guy rode over to tell us that there wasnt oing to be a car show there anymore. When I asked how he would know that, he said that the property management had called earlier that day and told him that they werent going to allow it anymore. The previous 2 weeks I didnt go out and pick up the trash after the imports because I didnt have the time to babysit anymore. Apparently the management wasnt thrilled by the mess. After 2 years of a great show, the imports finally succeeded in getting it shut down completely.
Having said that and getting it off my chest, you are right Rick, time to move on and start a new chapter. Thank you to everyone who worked tirelessly over the last 2 years to make it such a success.
11-30-09, 11:28 PM
12-01-09, 10:05 PM
I haven't been in Arizona All my life
but i do remember cruising
down town Phoenix ....Central Ave. in the mid 70's
Little pockets of car Types would gather in the
Parking lots along Central...the Chevy Guys, Ford Guys
T bucket guys you get the idea.
you would park for awhile cruise for awhile
stop at Mc Donald's for a burger. and head home by 10
but something happened. (something always does)
Kids started causing property damage and Business owners
(that had the ear of the city council) had the city pass
so the show moved to Metro Center (drive around n park with places to eat)
sounds good! Well
private property was also destroyed and so was the Metro Center Cruise night.
so the story goes like this. A few can ruin it for ALL
Parking lot shows Are something New. (to me) I know of some civilized areas
in the United States where people STILL CRUISE ...Park.... Talk and if someone
makes a mess they clean it up.These Kids Know better. They work (real work)
Not live off Mommy n Daddy and are handed everything. they Say Yes Sir n No Sir
and are given respect because they have shown respect. So with that said.
Why would you expect the Kids around here to clean up after themselves
when Mommy still makes their bed and cleans up after them?
I'm not saying their ALL like this ...but Allot are in this group
of tuner tots are. hahahaha Tuner tots I made that up:hyper:
Rick Shopmier
12-02-09, 11:02 AM
When I was a teen in the late 60's cruising was driving and in a small town the cruise was Main Street. There was a lot of stupid stuff going on there and lets face it I was in the middle of it all. In the early 70's I lived in Denver (if you were there you would remember the 16th street cruise, the Colfax cruise and the Broadway cruise every Friday and Saturday nite) with 3 cruises. Lots of stupid stuff including breaking windows, burn-outs and drags, trash, fights and public urination. Fortunatly I was a little older and a lot wiser and was not a participant, and for the pissing........well, a very dark alley. Well, have things really changed? Some of the biggest complainers at the cruise nites should throw no stones. The 91st cruise was a good one and considering the location you would have to expect some funny business, thanks to those who ran it as long as they did. Times have changed or have they stayed the same. A few bad apples (tuners) don't spoil the bunch. MOVE ON.
12-02-09, 01:33 PM
When I was a teen in the late 60's cruising was driving and in a small town the cruise was Main Street. There was a lot of stupid stuff going on there and lets face it I was in the middle of it all. In the early 70's I lived in Denver (if you were there you would remember the 16th street cruise, the Colfax cruise and the Broadway cruise every Friday and Saturday nite) with 3 cruises. Lots of stupid stuff including breaking windows, burn-outs and drags, trash, fights and public urination. Fortunatly I was a little older and a lot wiser and was not a participant, and for the pissing........well, a very dark alley. Well, have things really changed? Some of the biggest complainers at the cruise nites should throw no stones. The 91st cruise was a good one and considering the location you would have to expect some funny business, thanks to those who ran it as long as they did. Times have changed or have they stayed the same. A few bad apples (tuners) don't spoil the bunch. MOVE ON.
Rick, when they are talking about cruising back then, they meant in cars and not your Red Radio-Flyer wagon with your moms singer sewing machine motor bolted in it lol. If I am not mistaken, wasn't the only thing that hung out on Colfax was the Hookers, Pimps and Johns? So what one were ya and what were you really doing in those very dark alleys HMMMMMM?
12-02-09, 10:12 PM
Just Sad.....
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