11-11-09, 03:24 PM
I have another set of polished coil covers ready for shipping.
If you're interested, they are $125 exchanged for 04 coil covers and $135 exchanged for the 03 coil covers , since I have to go and blast them.
Best way to swap, you ship your covers all wrapped up and packaged the way you want your polished set sent back. A nice size towel will work.Enclose a cashiers check for the amount and a return shipping label.
They look just like these with all edges ground smooth and casting flaws removed.
Locals can come to the shop and just swap.
If you're interested, they are $125 exchanged for 04 coil covers and $135 exchanged for the 03 coil covers , since I have to go and blast them.
Best way to swap, you ship your covers all wrapped up and packaged the way you want your polished set sent back. A nice size towel will work.Enclose a cashiers check for the amount and a return shipping label.
They look just like these with all edges ground smooth and casting flaws removed.
Locals can come to the shop and just swap.