View Full Version : Club Meeting this Sunday 9-10-2006
09-05-06, 08:34 PM
September 10 - CMC monthly club meeting at the Community Hall of Mount Olives Church at 1:00 P.M. The Mount of Olives Church is located at 3546 E. Thomas Road in Phoenix.
09-05-06, 08:43 PM
Can anyone attend? Is it just an open car show?
09-05-06, 09:03 PM
If you are interested in learning more about the club and meeting some of the members stop buy. It isn't really an open car show. More of a monthly member get together.
09-06-06, 05:39 PM
Many members do bring in their cars and check out new mods and stuff! We have snacks and a 50/50 every Sunday and talk about next evens and stuff like that! Usually about 50 to 60 people show up!!!
09-06-06, 08:00 PM
i was planning on bringing myself out there....:2thumbs:
09-06-06, 08:34 PM
Some of us are coming down from The Route 66 Days Show in Flagstaff, but we will be there. Will be announcing details of the Mustang Monsoon Madness Show Oct 20th, and other upcomming events.
09-06-06, 09:47 PM
:woot1: When are we going to have one in Pittsburgh? :biglaugh:
09-06-06, 10:01 PM
New girl pushing her way in, Ill be there for sure ya bunch of cwazy people hahaha. I am having way too much fun already and I have not even met all of you yet. I for sure will be at the monsoon one, My boss said yes I can get the time off whoooo hoooo. Yeah baby T
09-06-06, 10:28 PM
Must be nice to get the day off
I have to call in so i can go to the show . and i am one of the show chairpersons . see you there at the meeting .
I just got off the phone with the guy that is puting on the flagstaff show .
He told me that 50 more people called him if ther is any more room at the show . 200 was the limit for how many cars . thay were sold out about two weeks ago . Sooo i am going to go up anyways to be with the club and have fun :laughing1:
09-06-06, 10:30 PM
Yeah it helps when you the boss of the place ya run and have a good rapport with the boss above ya, plus I have been working with no help for 4 months so he better let me have the time off.
09-06-06, 10:33 PM
Mustang Monsoon Madness in pittsburgh? :awsome:
09-06-06, 10:35 PM
:smile: Yea 27 years and still have to ask for time off
09-06-06, 10:37 PM
New girl pushing her way in, Ill be there for sure ya bunch of cwazy people hahaha. I am having way too much fun already and I have not even met all of you yet. I for sure will be at the monsoon one, My boss said yes I can get the time off whoooo hoooo. Yeah baby T
Guess who gets to sit at the table with Crazy Nancy!!!!
09-06-06, 10:40 PM
ummm NOT ME, no crazy people please hehe. as far as pittsburgh goes umm when you have a monsoon there we will come there hehehe
09-06-06, 10:43 PM
Darel where are you guys meeting up at ? I am going to David's at 8 or so ?
09-06-06, 10:44 PM
ummm NOT ME, no crazy people please hehe. as far as pittsburgh goes umm when you have a monsoon there we will come there hehehe
Nancy????? Crazy???? Noooooo!!!!!! She is just Rationally Challanged !!!
09-06-06, 10:47 PM
Darel where are you guys meeting up at ? I am going to David's at 8 or so ?
I am leading a group up to Flag that meets at 2PM on Friday at the 4 Brothers Convenance mart on Carefree Highway East of I-17.
09-06-06, 10:48 PM
A pirate life for me HaHa
09-06-06, 10:52 PM
stillsingle93 must think we are nuts :laughing1: Hope your haveing a good time
Dan the blue mach1 man
09-06-06, 10:55 PM
A pirate life for me HaHa
Arrrrrrr.......... They be streetrodders up thar !!!! The "Black Pearl" be quite n' eye full fer m'. Capn' Nancy be settin' sail Sunday with Booty n' treasure fer sur.
09-06-06, 10:56 PM
I am leading a group up to Flag that meets at 2PM on Friday at the 4 Brothers Convenance mart on Carefree Highway East of I-17.
Darel leading?????? Could end up in Lake Havasu City!!! Ha Ha Ha:laughing:
09-06-06, 10:57 PM
Oh absolutely...Im having a blast you guys are so much fun. Im over here using up lots of tissue laughing my butt off, I hope we are beating the pants off pitts. My eyes keep leaking im laughing so hard rofl rofl
09-06-06, 10:58 PM
stillsingle93 must think we are nuts :laughing1: Hope your haveing a good time
Dan the blue mach1 man
No Dan, the proper term is "Rationally Challenged" Thats my story and I am sticking to it!!!
09-06-06, 10:59 PM
Darel leading?????? Could end up in Lake Havasu City!!! Ha Ha Ha:laughing:
I know a great place for Pizza and Beer in Havasu!!!!
09-06-06, 11:01 PM
MAN I WISH I COULD GO, one hell of a shot with all the beautiful babies riding up there all lined up so pretty, Take pictures for me pweaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee
09-06-06, 11:04 PM
If you want good Pizza and Beer got to Latrobe for Tjoio's Pizza and a Rolling Rock until its to late when Rock moves to Newark
09-06-06, 11:05 PM
MAN I WISH I COULD GO, one hell of a shot with all the beautiful babies riding up there all lined up so pretty, Take pictures for me pweaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Think we have several small groups going up Fri and early Sat. We can take pics at the Motel of them all lined up though.
09-06-06, 11:07 PM
If you want good Pizza and Beer got to Latrobe for Tjoio's Pizza and a Rolling Rock until its to late when Rock moves to Newark
Dave is buying Pizza again!!!!!!!! Yea !!!!!!!!!
09-06-06, 11:09 PM
I will give you some pic from the flagstaff show if you want
09-06-06, 11:16 PM
I will give you some pic from the flagstaff show if you want
Absolutely, I want pics for sure
09-06-06, 11:18 PM
I will try to put some on here also :1cool:
09-06-06, 11:21 PM
Absolutely, I want pics for sure
And Pizza!!!!!! Dave is buying!!!!!!!!
09-06-06, 11:21 PM
I will try to put some on here also :1cool:
09-06-06, 11:22 PM
hope this works . brb
09-06-06, 11:32 PM
And Pizza!!!!!! Dave is buying!!!!!!!!
Save me some DAVE, lol, night all talk to ya all on Sunday, Have a safe ride up to flagg.
09-06-06, 11:33 PM
pic's hmmm anyone know how to put them on here ?
09-06-06, 11:34 PM
pic's hmmm anyone know how to put them on here ?
go to our site in photos and you can add some there
09-06-06, 11:37 PM
Good night see you at the meeting . be nice to see you face to face
will try the photos
09-06-06, 11:38 PM
Good night see you at the meeting . be nice to see you face to face
will try the photos
Your not missing anything rofl rofl, but thanks hehe
09-06-06, 11:44 PM
Save me some DAVE, lol, night all talk to ya all on Sunday, Have a safe ride up to flagg.
Its a CMC tradition at Nello's. Dave buys the pizza for the people at his table. I got to go to bed, night-alll !!!
09-06-06, 11:44 PM
pic's hmmm anyone know how to put them on here ?
How to add photos to a post.
If you just want photos in the gallery and not in the actual post just go to the photo gallery and select upload photos. Then Select the gallery you want ie. members, copperstate, etc.
If you have any problems or questions just let me know.
09-06-06, 11:58 PM
just did that it is in the copperstate photos .. long download
09-07-06, 12:01 AM
just did that it is in the copperstate photos .. long download
Usually doesn't take too long. Depends on your upload speed.
If you want to add the photo to your post just click the link in the previous post and follow the instructions.
09-07-06, 12:07 AM
give it a try
good night
09-07-06, 04:57 AM
Our guys & gals here might have a GTG on 9/17/06 and if we do, I will post some pictures for you guys. :2thumbs:
09-10-06, 04:10 AM
Hi all,
Got invited to swing by the Monthly CMC event about 2 maybe 3 years ago by a guy named Walter Edwards while I was at Firebird. Well Life gets in the way sometimes... anyway, hoping to swing by today and meet some fellow AZ 'stangers. :biggrin:
09-10-06, 05:56 AM
Then you better get some shut-eye! Hate to see you snooze out and miss all the fun.
09-10-06, 05:57 AM
09-10-06, 05:59 AM
I'm one to talk! I should get some sleep so I wouldn't screw up and make a double-post. Now how do I delete this thing anyway?
09-10-06, 05:25 PM
I so enjoyed the meeting today, wow some really nice rides for sure, makes rocky look like a MG Midget compared too some of who you guys have. I had so much fun meeting everyone, Thanks for the warm welcome, you made my day for sure. I cant wait to really get more involved in the club, You will find im a most helpful person and enjoy helping others. Tanks from the top to the bottom of my heart, YOU ROCK EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:thmbsup: :thumbsup: :awsome: :2thumbs: :2thumbs: :2thumbs: :2thumbs:
09-10-06, 05:26 PM
wow, what fun. it sure was awesome to meet everyone. what a great club. i look forward to being a part of it. thank you for the warm welcome.
i loaded up a few pictures in the gallery. sorry, i could not remember everyone's name, but i still put up a few pictures.
again, thanks guys, this looks to be one of the best groups i have found, both copperstate, and hps. :2thumbs:
09-10-06, 06:00 PM
Ahh, see I missed it again. I got invited to a Football party for the Cards/49'rs game. :awsome:
WOOT Go Cards! First season opener win since 1999. 34-27 Final. :laughing1:
09-10-06, 06:20 PM
i got home with enough time to catch the end of the game. :awsome:
you missed out on a good time. this is a very well organized group, and it was a good time. i plan on firmly marking the second sunday of every month to attend. i will also make it out to some shows and get togethers too. great group of stanger's.
09-10-06, 06:39 PM
I'm so glad you had a good time, we might even have to add dinner if we keep going, just wait and see how much fun we have at events!! Our club is only good as its Members!!!!
A persons value onearth is counted by the friends that he or she has!!!
09-10-06, 06:56 PM
I just posted some pictures in the gallery also.
09-10-06, 08:26 PM
I'm so glad you had a good time, we might even have to add dinner if we keep going, just wait and see how much fun we have at events!! Our club is only good as its Members!!!!
A persons value onearth is counted by the friends that he or she has!!!
I think dinner after the meeting would be cool, kinda personal get to know everyone type thing. Sounds like more fun than what I had today, could it get any more fun hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm:laughing1: :laughing1: :laughing1: :laughing1: :laughing1: :laughing1: :laughing1: doing the happy dance for sure!!!!!
09-11-06, 06:39 PM
Things went very good on sunday I hope that it will keep going up and up :laughing1: Im at work
will check back soon
09-11-06, 06:49 PM
Save me a parking stall for the next one! :cool2:
09-12-06, 09:26 PM
Sounds like all the new members had a good time at the meeting. We try to keep them light, easy going:laughing1: , fun, and informative. There will be a lot of upcoming events we are working on, that we will be reporting on soon.
Let us know if you want to volunteer to help out at our Show Oct 20. It is funnier than sitting behind your Car all day with a magazine, and California Duster.:thmbsup:
09-12-06, 09:32 PM
Sounds like all the new members had a good time at the meeting. We try to keep them light, easy going:laughing1: , fun, and informative. There will be a lot of upcoming events we are working on, that we will be reporting on soon.
Let us know if you want to volunteer to help out at our Show Oct 20. It is funnier than sitting behind your Car all day with a magazine, and California Duster.:thmbsup:
Hey...........I love my california duster rofl, and its not a magazine, its the rag to wipe the water spots off, sheesh dont you know nothing hehehe:z7shysterical:
09-12-06, 09:36 PM
Hey...........I love my california duster rofl, and its not a magazine, its the rag to wipe the water spots off, sheesh dont you know nothing hehehe:z7shysterical:
Do use speed shine Too??????
09-12-06, 09:38 PM
Do use speed shine Too??????
As a matter of fact I do, I bought the new ICE and its awesome, very speedy for me rofl
09-12-06, 09:41 PM
As a matter of fact I do, I bought the new ICE and its awesome, very speedy for me rofl
Thats why my baby looks so gooooood, Hey I thought of a personal license plate, you guys and gals tell me what you think
both are not taken yet and just ROCKY was taken and I tried SRROCKY, but dont want it to look like I was a senior driving, haha No offense to anyone please, I think its great if yall want to drive a mustang at 98whoooo hooo go for it for sure.
09-12-06, 09:44 PM
Thats why my baby looks so gooooood, Hey I thought of a personal license plate, you guys and gals tell me what you think
both are not taken yet and just ROCKY was taken and I tried SRROCKY, but dont want it to look like I was a senior driving, haha No offense to anyone please, I think its great if yall want to drive a mustang at 98whoooo hooo go for it for sure.
I think the "Godfather" will forgive you!
09-12-06, 09:46 PM
I think the "Godfather" will forgive you!
HMMM no opinion on the plate huh. My cousin vinny like them all hahaha
09-12-06, 09:49 PM
HMMM no opinion on the plate huh. My cousin vinny like them all hahaha
Filp a coin, and see which one to go with. Both sound good!
09-12-06, 09:51 PM
Grrrr I keep getting all the posts confused and filtered together lol sorrrrrryyyyyy
09-12-06, 09:54 PM
I search Hi and Lo all over the web for these babies and as soon as I find them I save and Post them for all of u to enjoy!!:thmbsup:
09-12-06, 10:09 PM
I search Hi and Lo all over the web for these babies and as soon as I find them I save and Post them for all of u to enjoy!!:thmbsup:
And im sure I speak for all of us to say yes we do quite enjoy them, thank you thank you
09-12-06, 11:06 PM
heck ya, keep em coming! :awsome:
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