View Full Version : Nov. 8th Copperstate Racing Division Race Day at Speedworld

10-28-09, 10:10 AM
I'm sending this on behalf of Andy Sievers...

Our next club race day is Nov. 8th at Speedworld. It's MUSTANG DAY and we will be joined by all fords and other clubs as well. Gates open at 9AM. Here's the link to their website if you would like additional information. Just go to the calendar page and click on the date.

www.speedworlddragstrip.com (http://www.speedworlddragstrip.com)

We would like to get at least 10 cars to participate. No trophies will be given out at this event.

Post a reply and let us know if you will be attending so we can get an idea of who's all coming.

With the weather being so beautiful, hopefully there will be something for all to participate in that day.:wosautos118: